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Topic: RE: OMG I think These Are...
Doc's don't know everything. It does seem you have been better for a while now. Still doing alright? Losing any? I appear to be stuck, AGAIN or STILL!! Take care, Ape
Topic: North PLatte "WLSG" meets APRIL 21 2008
The North Platte Weight Loss Surgery Support Group will have a special dinner meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, April 21, at the Depot, 520 N. Jeffers. Dr. Jeffrey Holloway,M.D., and Mona Urwin from Scottsbluff, with the help of Clinical Dietitian Celie V., will give tips on how to enjoy eating out and making good choices.
For more information and to make reservations contact Beth Thompson.
Topic: RE: Coming to NE in May
Michelle, I love zoos and i personally think the Omaha zoo is the best. I have been to the denver, colo springs and the washington d.c. to name a few and by far I LOVE omahas. How far into ne do you plan to go??? Kearney has the famous Archway over I-80 and it takes hours to go through, it is very educational. North platte has the Nebraskland days for 10+ days in June and then in sept they will have the second Rail Fest Days which for the first year was great, if you like railroads and all their history. We have passenger train rides, tours of the world largest railroad center in the world.....just a little infor about my end of the state. , Beth
Topic: RE: Bragging
You go girl!!! Sounds like your doing great! My daughter had her lap band in aug and is down about 80...i remember toooo well every ounce counts! I hope some of you from the east part of the state can come to Dinner with Dr. H and Mona Monday the 21st here in North Platte...Jimmy is posting all the info...
Be see less of you...Beth in NP
Topic: RE: Bragging
The BMI automatically calculates when you put in your height and weight. You must have done that when you signed up because your profile lists one. Its under the "General Information" section under "My Account" located at the top of every page. You just update your weight there and your BMI will automatically update in your profile. It is the same spot where you changed "hoping to have surgery" to "post-op." I need to update my pictures. The one on my avitar is a couple years old. I need to post my monthly pictures but I have been really busy and haven't gotten around to it. Someday I will lol.
Topic: RE: Bragging
I have to confess I have not done a BMI on here or even posted a pic of myself, I need to sit down and read how do that.
Topic: RE: Bragging
Wow 73 pounds is awesome. Keep up the good work. Have you updated your information on your profile so it updates your BMI? I'm just curious because whenever I have a breakthrough like this I make sure to change my weight so everyone can see my success with my BMI going down. That's just me though.
Topic: Bragging
I was weighed on an "official scale" today and I am down 73 pounds.
We have been gone on a trip and saw a lot of cousins...........most of them didn't know I had lap band surgery. It was really great to hear all the comments I did.
When I saw the surgeon that did my colonoscopy he even commented to me that I looked great then I had to tell him what I had done, he asked me lots of questions about the lap band. The only WLS they do in his group is the gastric bypass.
It is a great motivator when people comment to you. Even at work one of the technicians told me I was looking good...........of course he is twenty years too young for me..........HA HA
Topic: RE: I am finally back online!!
I have to agree it is wonderful to say 200 something. I am still amazed at the scale going down and not going up.
Topic: RE: Coming to NE in May
Cool....those sound like great ideas. We're going to try to leave here during the weee hours on Wed morning so Sadie will sleep most of the trip so we'll have Wed and probably most of Thur in the Omaha area before we head back to Dakota City to be with relatives. We checked out the zoo's website yesterday it looks awesome. Sadie loves animals so I'm sure it'll be a hit. Thanks for the info. You should join us over on the parenting board's actually starting to be active now.