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Topic: RE: Bragging
And april fools day she told us her and robert were getting married the 18th....which is tomorrow!!! She has lost about 80 pounds and is feeling much better as we know as she loses her weight. She and robert have lived together 15 years last valentines day...finallyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I will send you some pictures...are you going to Gering in June??? Later and hugs, beth
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgeon in Omaha?
Thank you for your response. I'll have to check her out. Her name does keep coming up, so that's good.
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgeon in Omaha?
Hey Sally,
I just noticed your post and wanted to let you know that my wife who is one year post op just met with Dr. Armstrong. She is really happy with her consult and will be working on having surgery with Dr. Armstrong. Additionally, a colleague for my wife also went to Dr. Armstrong and is very pleased with her results. Dr. Armstong has two offices here in Omaha and you are able to reach her at either office at 402-758-5544. Was not able to find a website however, Dr. Armstong seems to be a favorite here in Omaha.
Topic: OT - Challenge
Hello everyone! As some of you may know, I have recently started my own Mary Kay business. Currently I am participating in a challenge to get 100 skin care surveys filled out this by Sunday night but I don't know 100 women. However, I do know 10 women who know 10 women! Would you take 10 of these surveys to work (or ask neighbors or friends) and ask 9 other women to fill one out? For helping me out, you can select any item you want from my catalog at ½ price! Please let me know if you can help me out with my challenge and we can figure out a time to get you the information. Thanks everyone for all your help. I hope you are all having a great week so far! Stephanie
Topic: RE: Bragging
Oh my gosh Beth. How did I miss your daughter getting her lap band? I know it was such a long journey for her getting it approved. I am sitting here doing the happy dance over old news. It will be such a new and exciting summer for her.. Fantastic !!!

Topic: RE: Coming to NE in May
If you have never been to Boystown it is so worth a couple hours and right across the river ( next to the zoo) is the Squirrel Cage jail in Council Bluffs.. AWESOME place!!

Topic: RE: Bragging
Congrats Barb, You look sooo different from the 1st time we met.You've also had lots of set backs with you hip & stuff. You have every right to be very proud !
Topic: RE: Bragging
You go girl. It is great. Keep up the good work. Miss seeing you. Maybe at the next meeting. Hazel