my first WOW moment :)
I was shopping for my daughter for a school dance dress and I happened to find a suit for me..I had been looking at for some time...before i had wls i was in a 24/26 size..I bought a size 14 dress suit..omg!!! it was a little tight in the pants but i Want to wear it in the spring so I should be alright..I had tears in my eyes I still cant believe it..what really scares me is that I still in my mind think I am at the size 24 stage still..but I am trying to work on it...
thanks for letting me vent..its all such an experience!!!
It is hard to get adjusted to your new size. I still have "Just My Size" and "Lane Bryant" catalougs that come to the house, I sit and go through them even though there isn't a thing in them that fits me anymore,,yippee.. and it is so much more fun to shop in a real store. Heck with mail order..Congratulations, that is an awesome WOW moment..Jeanb