Bandsters support group??

Hi Beth,
I have yet to be banded, however I am selfish and want to know there is a support group for me to come to post op! I am hoping to get surgery scheduled soon, I just got approved! Anyway I am talking on line to 2 other gals from Lincoln. We want to start a support group for bandsters. What kind of format do most groups use to make the meeting meaningful and a benefit to all who attend? How does the group in NP or nearby areas work. Any information would be very helpful. I spent many years in support groups through the 12 step programs and feel comfortable in starting a group, just want to start on the right foot. I think the success of a group starts with good planning and some committed people to get it off the ground. After that it really should become the groups and take a life of its own. Anxious to hear from you....Shelly in Lincoln