Getting discouraged!
Hey Rhonda hang in there girl !! My daughter had her surgery just a week before you and she's down about 20 lbs. Could you have lost 18 lbs in this amount of time without the surgery ??? It does work and your doing find just have a little patiences and relax keep doing the things your suppose to do and you'll be fine !! I'm what is referred to as a slow loser and I'm down 65lbs now, which compared to most is not a lot, but I am very glad to be down the 65!!! remember protein ,,, water,,,, vitamins... excercise ... they are all important !! take care ... Sue

You are doing great!
Don't let the numbers get to you! I found on my november board that most of us, if not all of u**** a couple weeks when we didn't loose anything about about the 3 week mark. It's just your body adjusting! So my advice is what I've heard so many times.. trust the process!

Hi Rhonda,
18 pounds over 3 weeks is great - your body is just adjusting to the weigt loss. I found that the more stressed I got over my weight loss, the slower I lost. I had to keep reminding myself that I didn't gain the weight over night. The first 4 weeks are the hardest. Follow the food program as recommended by your MD and dietician and stay off the scale for a little while. You'll be pleasently surprised! Don't forget to drink lots of water
I'm now 18 months post lap band and have lost 107 pounds.
Best wishes,