Does anyone have regrets??
I have to admit for the first month after surgery I wondered what in the world I had done to myself and why ?? Now that I'm further out and things seem more normal to me I don't regret it at all and would probably do it again. The only time I have second thoughts is when I hear storys of people who have had the surgery and lost the weight and are now gaining it back. I just heard of a man in my area that is doing that. It makes me sad and I wonder if he did not get the support he needed to maintain his loss. How does everyone else feel about their choice in doing the surgery???

I have absolutely no regrets at all. At first I wondered why I ever did it, but being in the hospital and having to have emergency surgery can do that to a guy. I now would do it again in a heartbeat. Even if I had to go through all the hardship that I had before again, I would do it. I can eat whatever I like, I now just think about whatever goes in my mouth. This is the best thing that I have ever done.
No regrets here! if there is something that I want, I have a bite or two and I do just fine. Gaining weight is a huge fear for me, but I think that I'll be able to control myself for life. I do have some bad days with food, but I always get back on track. I love this thin life, I still have problems but my energy level is so much better, and lifes ups and downs are just much easier to handle without all the fat. I know that my 12 year old daughter has bennifited from my being healthier, I'm a much better example of healthy living. She is a real jock and I would like to see her stay that way, and its good for us as a family to be able to bike together.
Chris in Beatrice,