Nebraska support groups...
Hi, my name is Beth Thompson and we have a terrific support group
in North Platte, NE we meet the first and third Tues of the month at the World Wide Church of God
at the cornor of Walker Road and Willow, south of the interstate. Meeting starts at 7 p.m. We have a web site check us out:thumsup:! I'm to my goal weight of 125-130
, but NEVER thought I'd see the day a Dr. told me, "you can't lose any more weitht
!" WOW, unreal!
You may email me at [email protected] if I can
Hi Beth,
I wished I was letting you know that I have a date. I was just piddling on the internet and stumbled across your site. WOW. What an inspiration you are. I talked to Dot last week. She was playing catch-up. Mary Swartwood (our little group) has a date, Jan. 27. Hell, you probably already knew that, cuz I did. I'm starting to get a little anxious. Is it possible to get anxious and not impatient. lol. Hope to see you next week. We go to market in Denver, Thursday for four days and should be back on Monday PM. Gee maybe I'll have some good news by then.
See ya, Karen Inman