I am finally back online!!
Hi everyone! Oh my go**** seems like it has been forever that I have been able to post a message. My computer went blank on me and it took me this long to get it up and running again. So much has happened, I posted everything and udated my blog, so go and read if you want to. I am 10 weeks out from my surgery and feel good. Getting below 300 lbs. was the high-light of this last month. Had my 6 week check up at 7 weeks with Dr. Sudan and had lost 21 lbs. So we were both happy. He did not want to give me a fill at that time, He said 3 lbs. a week loss was good. I am scheduled to go in on April 21 for my 3 month and get a fill then. I was wondering what the fluro fill is like, I have to have it done that way he said. Anyone who has the experience let me know please. Thanks eloc29 Linda