3 More Days
Hello everyone
Oh my gosh the time has flown by and it almost Wednesday!
I have been staying in to avoid all the sickee bugs out there in the world, don't want to have to cancel my surgery because I am sick. I am alittle nervous, but more excited that I will soon be able to join you all on the losers bench. Please keep in your prayers and I will keep you all informed of my recovery. I plan to start blogging on my page now that I figured out how to do it lol
Thanks for your support Linda eloc29
I know how exciting a time this is for you. But always keep in mind..It's only a tool. You must do your part a well. Some people tell , " I had the surgery because I have no willpower." This is going to be the hardest diet you've ever been on. But you can & will succeed if you really want to. It's always up to you. Good Luck. Actually it takes a lot more than luck. It takes a great deal of determenation, drive and a real sence of what you really want. My thoughts & prayers will be with you.

Linda............I am so excited for you. I had surgery in June of 07 and if I had to do it all over again.....medical bills and all (HA) I would!!!
Like Jill said, it is a tool and Although I told myself I knew that, I didn't deep down. I think all I needed was a tool!!
What an exciting way for you to start the new year!! My thoughts will be with you. Keep us informed.