November Meeting Notes
I went to the web site and I dould not find the notes , wonder if I am doing something wrong.
Do you have different topics at your meetings?
My sister lives in western Nebraska and I thought maybe sometime I could make it a point to go to one of your support meetings out there on my way to or from her house.
Dear Barb,
If you go to our web page then you see a discussion room them go to meeting minutes then you will see topics. then you see November 6th meeting minutes. We will be meeting the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. I try to have a short topic on meeting night then we open it for discussion. This December we will have a a weight loss member who has been out several years he will talk about his ups and downs since his surgery. I have recieved several sample product that we taste. Hope to see you in the near future. jimmy