How long does Insurance take to respond???
From what I understand, my file was sent to insurance on July 9th. It's been 3 weeks and still no word from insurance and I'm about going nuts waiting! How long does it usually take to get a response? Are responses usually sent to you directly or to your surgeon first?
My grandmother called today and she has a date at the end of August to have her lap band. She's been waiting for a good 6 or 7 years so it's time that she has it. We thought at one time we could have surgeries together but it's not looking that way.
So I'm very bummed and the waiting is agonizing. I think I'm scared to call insurance and ask about a status even though the worst they can say is it's denied and I start my appeals. I'm not even sure who to ask for or if there is anyone in particular to talk to. Or should I be calling my surgeon's instead of insurance? At any rate, I'm already prepping or researching information for an appeal but really need to find some documentation to help with a revision appeal.
Michelley ...who needs more patience
Hi Michelley, I know how agonizing it is to wait for approval. You should call your insurance company to find out what is going on. You pay premiums to them and you have the right to find out what is going on. Maybe if they need more information you can get it to them and speed things up. Hang in there. It will happen. Good luck. Mona