Thank You for Your Support at Tuesday Meeting
I 'am sorry it has taken these many days to get around to say thank you to my fellow weight loss friends and our support friends for being at our meeting. And a big thank you to Pat Deuel for being our guest speaker. Pat has had one heck of a journey with all of his up and downs. Just like we have had our ups and downs. And Pat did make a very good point during his presentation that he couldn't do this journey without support from friends and family. I feel that was all most the highlife of his presentation. We all need the support from day one of our journey to the end. I would like to give a Big Thank You to Beth for doing all of the ground work and her better half Doug for helping us out. And a thank you goes to Mona , Kim, and Pearle for making the drive here. And a thank you to the North Platte Weight Loss Group for attending. We had around 70 people attending the presentation. We had a weight loss total of 3000pds. with 27 losers participating. Again Thank You to all of you for being there and and thank you to all through out the state who have have sent me emails for your support. Have a nice weekend.