Worry Wart Mom
Yep, Thats me. Today Liz has an appointment with a surgeon to talk about taking her filter out. To those who may not be familiar with them, in some patients pron to blood clots they insert a small filter that catches clots before they can get to your heart. My daughter started having blood clots at age 17 and was hospitalized a number of times, scarey stuff. She had a RNY in Sept of 05. A filter was inserted, she still got massive blood clots in her legs and was repeatedly hospitalized but the filter did its job and kept them from her lungs and heart..whew. So now she wants to have the filter removed and I am soo leary of this. So is our WLS doctor but she is being sent to a specialist and we will see what he has to say. That is at 3:30 this afternoon. I was invited to go along, I am going but I will keep my mouth shut and my mind open. Still I have this knot in my stomach. Do we ever stop worrying about our kids? Jeanb
Hi Jean, and to answer your question on, do we ever stop worring about out kids??? My answer is "NO", my daughter is 43 and with her health she is a constant worry. We have contacted the state insurance commission about her insurance denieing her 4 times. So pray for her as she is in such bad shape. She is so obese she is still healing from her galbladder surgery 7-8 weeks a day and not back to work. Even though she does nails all day she cant sit all those hours. Well, i will just pray for Liz. Hugs Beth