Hi to everyone!
Well way to go on your journey so far sounds like you are learning the tricks of the trade my taking your cup with you but I always asked for a go box when I order my meal then when it comes I'll divide it up and there I will have lunch for the next day . I feel we all have our little tricks and it does help. Well keep up the good wor****il later jimmy
Hon, I dont know which surgery you had but with my band I KNOW just how much i can eat and if its steak or chicken(anything solid) I only can eat about 4-5 bites. Soft foods i can eat more but i have never taken a measuring cup with me. I also used a infant spoon in the beginning and after every bite i still put my fork down. Sound like you are really determined to make this work for you, keep it up. Were you at the Gering conferance ? If you need anything email or call me..Hugs, Beth
What ever works darlin, What ever works. I no longer measure much. My pouch tells me when to stop( and punishes me when I don't listen) But my daughter carrys a 2 oz med cup with her and she uses it a lot. I do still use the small plate at home and eat things like soup and cottage cheese with my beloved baby spoons. Keep up the good work.Jeanb