for anyone with medicaid
Did you have any problem getting approved? I have a BMI Of 57 and several comorbidities, but now I have to call my caseworker and ask for a letter stating that medicaid will pay. All the doctors and program coordinators say they will, but now that it's come down to it, I'm terrified to call.
Can anyone help me out?? Thanks.
Hi Emily, I know how hard it is to get the ball rolling but it is so worth it. You will feel so much better after having the surgery. Medicaid will pay for surgery so don't be afraid to ask for help. The worst they will do is to tell you no and that won't happen. You meet the criteria with your weight and health problems. You can do this. Don't think about it. Just make the call. You are worth it. Let us know how things go. Mona
Thank you for your reply. I was speaking with several bariatric program coordinators, and I was told *I* had to call medicaid and get approval. I called my caseworker and he said that wasn't right, that the surgeon calls and gets it. So I talked to the surgeon's office and she said they handle all the paperwork. I've decided to go with one of the doctors from UNMC.
Thank you again for your pep talk, I need all the help I can get. I go to a seminar and support group on June 19th, and after that I can see the surgeon. Now I just have to get copies of all my medical records, so that will give me something to do to occupy my time.