She made it!
She is doing good, her mom called and left me a voice mail @ 315pm. Mom says they were able to remove and fix all laperscopic. Recovery should be better that way! Steph tried to call me a little after 4pm, I missed the call- she says she will try again later this eve.
Hip hip horray for her renewed health!
Hip hip horray for her renewed health!
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless
The abdominal part of the surgery has been a cake walk so far.. The worst part has been the headache that I have. Thinking it might be from using the trapeze bar to pull myself up. I haven't ever had a migraine, but can only imagine how a migraine feels. Today I was just started on full liquids today and went fine. Just take small sips at a time. The headache is much improved. I got my sleeping pill last noc, so that helped. Slept from 830 til 7 this morning except for when the nurse woke me up, doctor woke me up and 3 pee breaks!! So not to bad. Feel almost human today. Time for a walk. Just got my lortab and in the past it hasn't worked for me, but starting to fall asleep, so itme to start moving!!!.. Have a great day.