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Today is more job hunting, visit with my cousin and maybe I will treat myself to a movie. What is on your agenda?
I think that waiting for the insurance determination is probably is harder than waiting for surgery once it's approved. Hang in there and know that much more often than not, you'll get a positive determination.
Let us know when you hear.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Know that we all do this to one extent or another at one time or another. Many do not allow themselves to recognize it, much less do anything about it. Congratulations recognizing and grappling with such a difficult issue. Even more than that, I truly applaud you for being so open about what can be a very difficult issue. Many who are struggling, hide their struggles. This tends to be more common than not and that means that so many of us think we are struggling alone, when that is far from the case. When we share our struggles and what we are doing to deal with them, it helps us and those around us.
Thanks so much for being you.
Congratulations on your breakthrough.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I have had my first surgeon just skip out on me (well it felt that way anyhow) when she had like 80 of us ready to go then transferred to another hospital. Those 80 patients got satellited out to offpost surgeons. I was PISSED. One because she had not once mentioned she was even considering leaving and two I had done everything SHE and TriCare required. I would have had my surgery back in MAY but didn't happen. I guess things work out in their own time. Nothing I could do about it then.
As for the waiting game, it ALWAYS takes roughly 48 to 72 hours for them to make any decision. Only time they didn't take that long was when I had to have emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. It took all of 4 seconds for them to pu**** through. Glad I won't have to worry about that icky lil bug raising his ugly head later on.
on 7/12/11 11:36 am
I am so amazed at how successful the majority are and I have been taking ideas (call me an idea thief) and writing them down to try out at a later date. I have been saving meal ideas on various bariatric meals sites. I have ordered the samples. I called my therapist today to set up and appointment for next Friday just in case I get denied. Trying to cover my bases.
When the nurse called today I thought I was going tp uke and I havent been approved YET. LOL I get queasy when excited. And after all the tests, aggrivations, footwork, poking and prodding- the LAST letter has been sent.
on 7/12/11 8:35 am
on 7/12/11 5:54 am