She Made It Out of Surgery!
Hi Everyone!
This is Alexis, Pat's eldest daughter. We woke up this morning around 4 am to get to the hospital around 5:30. By the time all of the procedures were taken care of, it was about 7:30 and time for the sugery.
Around 11 am Mom's Docter came out and told us that she did fine and was in the recovery room. Dad and I were able to eat some lunch just in time to get back and go up to the room. There was more waiting for mom to come out of the recovery room, but eventually she did come out. We were worried about her because she appeared to be in a lot of pain. She said that it felt like someone was stabbing her left ribs. A couple shots of the morphine PCA helped out with that. We got her adjusted, and now I'm home to write to you guys and take care of the animals. I'll keep you updated on her pain level and healing status. Please send your thoughts and prayers in her direction.