OT job openings at my company
Hi all, I hope you don't mind me posting this here. I work for a pet food company on the weekends part time. My boss emailed me this afternoon to let me know we have openings and if I knew of anyone that was looking for part time work to please get them in contact with us. If you or anyone you know that loves talking to other pet parents and needs a part time weekend job, please have them consider contacting me.
I work as a Sales Rep for a holistic pet food company (cat and dog food) in a retail setting. It's honestly one of the funnest par time jobs I've had in years! It's mostly weekend work and you would be on your feet for four hour shifts. Please send me a private message and I can get your name and number to our HR office to set up a interview. Here are the locations they are looking to hire in:
Jacksonville/Morehead City
Raleigh Triangle
HighPoint/Winston Salem
Virginia Beach, VA
I work as a Sales Rep for a holistic pet food company (cat and dog food) in a retail setting. It's honestly one of the funnest par time jobs I've had in years! It's mostly weekend work and you would be on your feet for four hour shifts. Please send me a private message and I can get your name and number to our HR office to set up a interview. Here are the locations they are looking to hire in:
Jacksonville/Morehead City
Raleigh Triangle
HighPoint/Winston Salem
Virginia Beach, VA
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight