Reviews for Dr. Christopher Edwards in Asheville?
You might want to go the 'Find A Surgeon' link above and search for him. You are likely to find a number of reviews. With those reviews, you should find links to the people the posted them and be able to contact them if you have some specific questions.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
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Includes 76lbs weight loss before surgery.

He started doing surgeries in Asheville about 2-3 years ago. I have had good reports about Dr. Bradshaw. Dr Edwards is newer. You should call the Mission surgery program and ask them about statistics as far as complications with Dr. Edwards. I chose to go to Hickory because the Mission program could never get their Center of Surgery of Excellence and that bothered me. I think its better now. I work in Asheville
I know that none of the surgeons have ever had a patient die, but that's the only statistic I'm aware of. It bothers me some that I can't find any info about Dr. edwards. And i have spent hours looking.
Visit my weight loss blog at
Includes 76lbs weight loss before surgery.

I was looking for info on Dr. Edwards too.
But now you're DONE and so sucessful!
I have a "friend" who had Dr. Bradshaw and she's getting another friend upset because she says I should have chosen Bradshaw. I don't know exactly what she thinks she maybe Dr. Edwards has devil horns hidden in his head. IDK.
How was your experience? I met him yesterday and he was SO NICE! I feel confident in my decision, but wish this "Team Bradshaw" person would lay off.
Thanks for anything positive you can say about Edwards!
Carrie (from the Y)
I don't have anything negative to say about Dr. Edwards other than you don't really see much of him. After your surgery, you just see his PA unless there is a problem, I assume. He did a good job and kept my family updated which was important to me. I also found that he was more lax about the requirements that I expected. I guess you found that out too! I didn't even have to do the tube down your throat test.
I'm sure you're going to do just fine. Dr. Edwards is the head of the program now so he must be doing something right! Good luck with your liquid diet. That was the hardest part for me. At least until I found out that I could eat pureed soups that met certain nutritional requirements. I have a few cans left if you're interested. Of course, there is a new nutritionist now so she might veto the soups.
Visit my weight loss blog at
Includes 76lbs weight loss before surgery.

I didn't think about people reading my blog that knew the people I was writing about!!!
Hope I didn't offend anyone!
Thanks for being my "friend."
It's good to know Dr. Edwards is head of the program. I honestly haven't heard anything negative about him...just that he's not Dr. Bradshaw.
Liquids suck. The longest I've done it is 4 days. It was so weird...and empty feeling. I might take you up on the soups!!
I'll keep you posted and I HOPE to hear from my insurance tomorrow or Friday.
Thanks so much for your response. I really do appreciate it.