Met & Surpassed a VERY unplanned goal
Actually I surpassed a goal that I had only toyed with. I am the ultimate couch potato. I always have been and in some form or fashion I imagine I always will be. I just like the quiet, slow paced things that life has to offer. When I first came to OH I read about women who had been my size and larger entering 5k races and events. Some place deep down I thought - "Wow!! I'd love to do that." but regardless of having lost 100 lbs. I still didn't feel like I was "fit" enough to do it.
Well Betsy sorta challenged/invited me to walk with her in the OBX Marathon in November for the 8k. I decided that it would be a great way to celebrate my pacemaker and another new beginning. So I've been "training". Minimal training at best but still I've been making a 30 minute daily committment. Where is all of this leading?
Friday afternoon I get a phone call from my best friend. She and her sister were registered for a local 10k for Breast Cancer and her sister was not going to be able to walk because of a kidney problem. Would I be willing to take her place? UMMMM???!!! ERGGHHH???? UGHHH???? Let me tell you that my best friend is NUTS!! Psycho!! LOONEY!! But above all else determined. Turns out she'd already called and replaced her sister with me on the registration. So we walked.
I walked every single inch of that course. It took me 2 hours and 4 minutes. I was the last one across the starting line and I was the last one across the finish line but dang it. I did it. I finished. I may never know what it feels like to run a race like that but I do know what it feels like to finish.

That's me in the blue shorts just before rounding the bend toward the finsih line.
I'm amazed at the changes that happen because of Weight Loss surgery. I could never allow myself to believe I could do things like this. I'm starting to realize how many things I let my weight keep me from doing. I had convinced myself that my life was full and meaningful. It was in ways but honestly there wasn't a lot to it beyond food.
- Iris
Well Betsy sorta challenged/invited me to walk with her in the OBX Marathon in November for the 8k. I decided that it would be a great way to celebrate my pacemaker and another new beginning. So I've been "training". Minimal training at best but still I've been making a 30 minute daily committment. Where is all of this leading?
Friday afternoon I get a phone call from my best friend. She and her sister were registered for a local 10k for Breast Cancer and her sister was not going to be able to walk because of a kidney problem. Would I be willing to take her place? UMMMM???!!! ERGGHHH???? UGHHH???? Let me tell you that my best friend is NUTS!! Psycho!! LOONEY!! But above all else determined. Turns out she'd already called and replaced her sister with me on the registration. So we walked.
I walked every single inch of that course. It took me 2 hours and 4 minutes. I was the last one across the starting line and I was the last one across the finish line but dang it. I did it. I finished. I may never know what it feels like to run a race like that but I do know what it feels like to finish.

That's me in the blue shorts just before rounding the bend toward the finsih line.
I'm amazed at the changes that happen because of Weight Loss surgery. I could never allow myself to believe I could do things like this. I'm starting to realize how many things I let my weight keep me from doing. I had convinced myself that my life was full and meaningful. It was in ways but honestly there wasn't a lot to it beyond food.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Thanks so much for sharing this incredible wow moment with us. Not 'just' the 10K part, but the realization that there is so much to the quality of our lives that we enjoy as a benefit of the journey we are on.
Congratulations on entering and finishing your 10K!
Kudos my friend!!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145