Friday Check In --- where is everybody?
We're hoping to fire up the Wave Runner and get the sailboats out and just play all weekend. If you followed my tailbone drama over the winter - you'll remember that the docs thought the Wave Runner might have been how I dislocated the "Princess" in the first place. hasn't hurt in over a month now. One thing about it - I have Dr. Barr on speed dial if it starts hurting again.
It's grilling season for us. Carrie's grilled vegetables sounded really good the other day so we're definetly having some of those this weekend as well as some seafood on the grill.
Hope everyone has a great day.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Mmmm.... yep, firing up the grill sounds great. It's one of my favorite things about summertime.I like to put to work as much as possible.
We grilled burgers for dinner last night; of course, we can't eat that much anyway, but it was Sarah's Sixteenth birthday and that was her wish, so it was fulfilled to the best of our ability. I was surprised when I couldn't even manage half a burger. Oh well, it's nice to know that tool is still here keeping a watchful eye on me.
I'm doing better about taking my supplements and have been pretty active lately with all of the moving, cleaning, and yard work we've been doing.
We have to take care of more of the same today and then tomorrow we need to take a trip up to Hillsborough so that Ben can get a new tuxedo for our son's upcoming wedding. Ben, Sarah and I could all get in his old one together, so we'll go get him a new monkey suit for the festivities. He's got such an unusual shape that just ordering one from the rental store never works; they always mess it up and then there's no time to get it 'fixed.' Getting one from this store works out to be about the same cost as renting and once it's done, no more rental fees.
I bought a couple of steaks last night when I was getting the burgers for Sarah's birthday. I'm looking forward to grilling them, along with some fresh vegi's for dinner.
Well, I'm off to do more packing, cleaning and unpacking. Hoping everyone has a nice day.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145