Thursday check-in (where is everyone?)

I am loving my new GoFit. It is showing me all the places that I need improvement. I have just completed my second full 24 hours. I have tried to make them my average day in every way. I need to sleep more. I only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. Here I thought I slept too much when in reality I don't sleep enough. I also need to move more. I only average about 4000 steps/day and even with light activity I need at least 5000 steps/day but 10000 is highly recommended. I HATE to exercise! But I desperately need more balance in my life.

Today should be just another average day in my life. Work, home, more sleep, etc. etc. etc.
Wishing you all a Wonderful Thursday!

I am half lurking and half here....
Quite busy at work. Having a retreat tomorrow and being in IT some folks are presenting technology and gadgets we think are cool in our personal and work life. The extrovert in me wants to show the GoWear. The introvert in me say NO WAY.
I just found out late yesterday one of my peers is doing a presentation on some fitness technology. He is a great friend so I told him if I had known maybe I would have joined him. Wouldn't ya know he says to me this morning...'it's not too late'!' He may just talk me into it!
Carrie, glad you are loving the GoWear. It has helped me set targets to maintain my weight. I am struggling a little with the targets it has for me to lose weight. The information is invaluable so I am still looking for the right balance of food and exercise. It is honestly leading me back to I am not eating enough (even minus the heavy carb loading I was doing). I am hitting my targets daily but the scale is not agreeing. I totally understand the sleep thing. I only average 4-5 hours sleep a night.
I have started playing the clarinet again. A few folks at church asked me about joining the orchestra. It has been about 20 years since i played but I found it all flooding back to me as I have been practicing. I plan to practice for another month on my own before joining the group at church. I am so tickled!
Off to work on contracts again and have my usual 2 -2 hour meetings today, so I will be sitting, talking, and updating plenty of documentation today.
Have a great one!
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!
I find myself living through the work week just so I can have my weekends in the sun. There's something about my time by the water that restores my balance. Balance seems to be a key word on the boards lately. Doesn't seem to matter if we're talking sleep, diet, exercise or whatever - finding a healthy balance is crucial.
What is it with our lack of sleep? I normally have no problems with this but last night I was up at 2 and again at 4:45 to go to the bathroom. Getting up once is unusual but twice is unheard of for me. Must have drank more water at the picnic and during the walk than I thought.
Today's plan looks like this:
Breakfast - Bran Muffin w/ a little peanut butter
snack - Cottage Cheese w/ a few almonds
Lunch - BBQ, coleslaw & grape salad
snack - Creamsicle Protein Shake
Dinner - Grilled Chicken & summer squash
lns - fage (???) haven't been gettting this in - timing has been off.
Lots of water, vitamins and benefiber are also on the agenda.
- iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I am here got a super connection again and got some good news yesterday.
I went to have a follow up on my legs and... they continue to go down!!!!
I will always have to wear compression and get new compression every 6 months but it is so worth it. My leg therapist also said I did not need to come back to see her unless a problem develops with my legs.
My brother completed a 60 day treatment and is back home.
I returned his dog to him yesterday and it was hard but I know I did the right thing.
My brother kept thanking me for taking care of Dolly.
It was my pleasure because loving animals is just who I am.
BTW Fiona and Carrie keep on talking about this Go Fit you have sparked my intrest.
I am working towards 100 situps by Halloween I am up to 55 every other day.
My therapist said she could see a difference on the sides hmmm wondering if that has to do with using my band doing sides stretches and twist.
I hope I dont have to weigh with this Go Fit because I just dont weigh it causes me to much stress.
I do record intake and stay on track most everyday actually I have been staying on course so long now I dont think it would be possible not to LOL I just really like eating better and listening to my pouch.
Had a chance to enjoy my coffee this morning while the mobile pet service is here bathing the bulldogs and nail dremaling and ear cleaning OMG best money I have ever spent.
I'm here...trying to get in some minor exercise while I'm home alone. Enjoying my new Magic Bullet Blender because it feels like I get to eat real food-even if it IS pureed to baby food consistency.
Going back to work Monday, and I'm kind of scared. They have promised to take it easy on me (I'm on restrictions for 2 more weeks) but I'm afraid I'll be so tired and I won't get in all my protein or exercise. I'll have to wait and see!
Blogs and

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
OMG Ann!
I hardly recognized you! You look absolutely fabulous and about 20 years younger. School must be agreeing with you.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I went back to work (unofficially) today. It was Awards Day at school and I wanted to be the one to give out the awards to my students. They were glad to see that I was OK. I didn't explain a lot to my students before surgery last week, so some of them were actually relieved to see me.
My family went for a walk this afternoon and it was really nice.
I had a great day--even got a pedicure this morning!
Good to meet you and to add you to my circle of friends. I look forward to getting to know you as we make this incredible journey together.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145