Unexpected Therapy Session
I love to read and although I am not a mother, I like to read a column by Diane Morris in the N&O. She is a SAHM who home schools her autistic children. She shares her daily experiences and struggles and I admire her efforts to give her children a full life experience in a world where they are considered less than normal (like obese folks).
Let me get to the point (you know I love to tell a story)… In a recent column she made some statements that SLAPPED me in the face cause she was not talking about her sons…she was talking about ME!
Here is an excerpt….’With the boys at home, we can focus on their development challenges. Now, for instance, we are addressing Kenny’s deficits in self-awareness. We are trying to determine whether he is always conscious of what his body is doing and whether he knows he can stop himself from acting on an impulse. Imagine that – not knowing that you have power over your own body. Talk about frustrating! How could we ever expect him to sit quietly and learn if he does not know he has control? And what a tragedy that we would scold him for behavior he does not even know he can stop.’
I forgot all about her and thought about me….
Being self aware
Being conscious of what I am doing
Realize that I do not have to act on impulse
I have power over my own body
I have control
I can stop!
In the past:
I ignored me, others ALWAYS came first
I am such a structured kind of girl that tasks can become a ritual or routine so consciousness was not needed; I just went through the motions.
Impulse shopping, impulse eating, impulse speaking….no reason, just because it was there, or I was there, or I thought I had to…
Power….we often say we have no willpower…not true…if I want to do it, I will and will break my neck to find a way to do it, just never applied that logic to taking care of me.. again I am at the end of the list.
So... I have control….I can stop:
Being so hard on myself
Neglecting myself
Discounting all the achievements no matter how little
Assuming others always think the worst of me because of my weight or how I look
Letting the scale dictate my moods
Allowing the number on the scale determine my worth to myself!
This was therapy for me and I wanted to share that sometimes it comes in the most unexpected places. I hope that this helps you in some way. It did for me! Just typing it helped me tremendously this morning. I will share those thoughts in the daily check-in.
Have an awesome day!
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!