Think About This...Gentle Eating!
I watched the end this morning with her visiting the women's shelter. I have wondered would I go as far to say I was addicted to food?
I was very stingy with food (no I did not want to share MY food)
I would have eaten a leftover on someones else plate in a heartbeat
I would have ate all do my food and then leaned over and asked you if you were going to finish the rest of yours
I had all my meals planned out for the entire day before I even left the house based on where I had to go for instance, if I was on my way to class, the sub shop was to the way, so a burger was in my future.
I would plan my errands based on where I planned to stop to eat for that day for instance, if I wanted some chicken and I had to see my cousin for some reason, I was now going to see my cousin that day because I wanted chicken and it was near their house.
I would be SO MAD if I went somewhere for a specific food and they did not have it. See once I planned to eat it, I would think of it all day and could even taste it. So I get to the sub shop and they do not have anymore bbq chicken!!! Talk about mad! You would have thought somebody stole something!
I could go on and on. I was obsessed with food and planned my life around it. So I think I was addicted. I am thankful none of this is true anymore and I have thought many of times that I some therapy may do me some good. Like you, for now, my therapy is here so thanks for listening and sharing!
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!

I also stop between bites to make sure that everything is going to hit my pouch right. It's definately a different experience and not as enjoyable as eating before surgery. Now I'd rather just sleep!

Sounds like you have instilled some good habits to sustain you through the early phase and help change the behaviors you feel you need to work on. I encourage you to continue these good habits. As you continue to progress you will be able to loosen your regiment a little, but it is important for you now.
I remember the sleeping part very well! I slept so much those first few weeks after surgery that my hubby called my mom (she is a nurse). He knew that just was not me and he was worried. She explained to him several 'medical things) and that it was major surgery and my first surgery ever so my whole body was recovering.
Rest up and keep moving (if you can do that at the same time I need to give you an award!) I mean listen to your body and rest as needed.
Take care!
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!