Wednesday Check in...
Good Morning!
Well... Best laid plans of mice and men. We ran to the store to pick up some spinach for dinner last night. Did some running around, but by the time we got home, I wasn't feeling like eating much less making dinner and so I didn't. I did have about 1/2 cup of the meat sauce I had made and a small piece of whole wheat sourdough. Not exactly the balanced meal I had planned, but today is another day and hopefully it will go a little better.
Tonight I'll be meeting friends for dinner and a support group meeting at a favorite Mediterranean restaurant, so I'm hoping to enjoy a lovely dinner.
I got a lot of cleaning up and sorting done and there is still plenty more to be done ... I have a big house with over 30 years of 'stuff' and therefore a big mess to sort through ;)
Hope everyone is well and has a good day...
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Anyway enough whining!!!!! I hope everyone is doing well and having a great week.
The weekemd will be here SOOOOOON

Hi Audra,
I'm working on returning to life in NC.... Normal... hmmmm... not so much. At least not ye, but hopefully, eventually it will.
One of the things I try to do re: exercise is to wear a pedometer and make sure that I'm getting in my 10K steps a day. At least then I know I'm moving my tail some. I don't know if that would help until you can move to a routine that works for you, but I know that for me it prompts me to take that few extra steps, park a little farther from the store, etc... If your kids wear them too, it might be a great way to instill a bit of 'competitive spirit' that will make them want to move and help you move too.
Have a great day!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Barb, I agree with you about plans!!! Yesterday was supposed to be a good healthy day and it turned out to be CRAP!! And i have no one to blame but myself!!! I ate such CRAP all day long. I don' know what is the matter with me. I was doing so good and was down to only needi 4 LBs to reach my personal goal.... in the past week and a half i've gained 3 LBS... i'm going in the wrong direction!!! Again!!!

I wish Barb & I could just switch a few LBs. Between us we weigh the perfect weight for 2 people... it's just not shared properly!!!
Well, today is a new day.... let's move forward and not worry about yesterday!!!
Hi Judy,
As you said, yesterday is gone, but today is another day. I think for me, that is probably the biggest difference about about now and then... after surgery vs. before surgery. I don't feel as 'defeated' or hopeless as I used to as it relates to my weight. I know I'm on the light end right now, but what I mean is that I now really do 'know' that I can do this. I never was really 'sure' if I could before and now I know I can and will.
We're going to see a few more houses today and then I'll see you this evening my friend!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Instead, I had a healthy breakfast of blueberries, FF cottage cheese & Anne's Good Health Energy Nuts and I have 2 more really healthy meals plus a couple of healthy snacks planned for the rest of my day.... As i said... Moving Forward....
Good luck with the house hunting!!! BTW... there's a small house for rent over by me on Pleasant Green Road if you don't mind living in the sticks!!!
Hi Judy,
While I don't mind living in the sticks, we are trying to keep Sarah in the same school, so we are doing all that we can to stay in the same 'general' area. That said, thanks for thinking of us!
See you tonight.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I also have come down with a bad cold and both Lee and I have said lets just get this over with and get our life back.
Well found out the guy did not write down he was scheduled to come by today he said he will come tomorrow.
Oh well I will handle it .
Going to nurse my cold today and tomorrow so I will be ready to work this weekend.
Sorry to hear that you are under the weather and while I'm sure it was an inconvenience to have the appraiser miss his appointment, just think... you can rest today and know that the house is all ready for his arrival and inspection tomorrow.
Feel better soon... maybe even indulge in a bit of chicken soup from your favorite Chinese restaurant as you nurse your cold.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145