Julian Bakery Goods Available in Raleigh!
Cafe Buongiorno's (New)
3607 Falls River Ave Suite 125
Raleigh, NC 27614
Phone: 919-896-7459
I just found the information today, so I do not know all the particulars of ordering, but I found out that the SmartCarb bread is $9.99 per loaf. The Julian Bakery Website is: www.julianbakery.com
Many Blessings!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hey Lisa,
I have a friend at work who went to check it out over the weekend. They looked at her like she was crazy when she asked where they keep the Julian Bread. They claim they do not sell it but can order it for you. They receive shipments once a week. Normally they only buy enough to use what they sell in the cafe. They will add a surcharge on top of the regular price in order to cover the cost of shipping and them handling it. That said, it may be cheaper to order directly from Julian. I also found another site that sells it and if you order $100 or more, all shipping is free. Its www.lindasdietdelites.com. A bunch of us post WLS'ers usually get together and place single bulk orders from places like Julian or WheyLow.com (sugar substitute thats WL friendly) once a month. If your interested, let me know. Also, I did check with Julian's customer service. They are working to establish a distributorship with Whole Foods in NC. Maybe by summer.

I am getting ready to start my pre-op liquid diet. As soon as I can eat the bread, I will be very interested in ordering! I will let you know. Thanks for including me!