First day at my job
I must say I am very proud of me for taking the leap to do this.
I have been doing food demos for many years.
New company has taken the Target account and I am totally impressed.
They are doing things such as food safety ect.. the right way.
I am totally happy to say I stood for 4 hours and 45 minutes today and had no pain!!
I did get a 15 minute break and found it to be just enough break for me.
I did tell me supervisor I need to sip my fluid during the day explaining I have to get in so much.
I packed a protein bar for my break and took my crystal light in my 32 ounce containar.
Target is very stricked about drinking and eating during a demo.
So when I needed to sip I would step away from my table.
I had a good day and enjoyed being out among the people.
I served over 600 samples today and had more than enough energy to come home and cook dinner.
The lady in charge would like me to be put on the schedule for next weekend.
Annie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>is pain free
Congratulations!! I'm sure you will end up being a regular with them and I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to have you work at some of their other nearby locations.
I'm glad to hear it went so well.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145