Sunny Friday Check-In
How was your day yesterday? What do you have planned for today? Whats on the agenda for the weekend? Come on in and share with us, feel free to just ramble away.

Yesterday started out with a vist to my PCP. I had my annual physical and blood work done. I had to give 4 vials this time, but I do not know of anything that they are not checking out. I was very reluctant to go this year. It is my 3 year surgiversary later this month and my PCP has always had concerns about my weight. He has never been very positive, even after my surgery and during the rapid loss phase. So I was certain he would have something "preachy" to say to me since I still have not reached my goal or a normal BMI. I was very surprised when he told me how much better I looked and how he saw a real difference in my attitude and outlook in general. He told me to stop being so hard on myself. He suggested I embrace where I am right now and keep working my tool and the weight will eventually come off.
I did not tell him that would be easier said then done. His new nurse asked me as she will completing my vital signs if I had my surgery yet?!!!!! So I was already in a negative frame of mind by the time he came in to the examination room. I know she did not mean anything about her inocent question, but it still hurt.
The rest of my day went fairly well even with the headache I developed due to waiting until after my blood work to have my first cup of coffee. I found out yesterday that I can have black coffee prior to my blood work, so no headache next time.
We have a very SUNNY day predicted for today. It is FRIDAY! I am drinking a wonderful fake carmel latte in front of my fireplace. What more could we wish for in a workday morning?

Although I am very grateful for the job I have, I am glad that the weekend is just a few short hours away. I am so ready for spring and the sunny days working in my yard. I promise not to utter one word about being too hot this summer, if only it would just warm up some now.
Enough rambling for today.....

Wishing you each a WONDERFUL Friday!

Yes, i'm feeling a little grumpy today... The dogs had me up VERY early and I a NOTa morning person... (I should have called Goody and had her let them out and amuse them!!)
So, anyway... i'm up and moving and need to re-group again, since we had dinner at Panero's and i ate a cinnamon scone!!! I just don't know what the heck is the matter with me... I work so hard to get rid of these last lb's and then i do something stupid... i just can't seem to shake my "fat girl" stinkin thinkin!!! I'm going to work on it. I PROMISE myself i will... Tonight, i'm making manicotti, but i'm going to just eat the meatballs!!! i don't like manicotti anyway and I don't need it!!! I can eat very well with a salad and meatballs! Stan needs to gain some weight, so i'm making it for him... he LOVES italian!
Ok... now for the good news... I've set a date for some cosmetic work!!! OMG, i am sooo excited!!! I'm going to start with my arms and my neck. These are the 2 things that bother me me the most and the 2 things i can't easily hide... so i'm ging for it. I'm doing this on the 23rd of this month.
I've also made arrangements to get these pancake boobs fluffed!!! I have to wait 4-6 weeks after my arm chin surgery to get this done, but it's in the plan and in the works... I'm doing it!!!
Enough rambling for this morning!!! Has anyone thought about the Avon Walk for the Cure???? We could all use a little 39 mile walk....

Yesterday was a super busy day as I had predicted but I survived it. Today I anticipate another busy day but I love busy. Better than slow...makes that clock not move. And YES, the sun is shining!!! Loving it.
Carrie, I know exactly what you mean about your PCP not being "on board" with your surgery decision. I almost had to get to the getting on my knees and begging point for my PCP to sign those referral papers. He was so hell bent on my loosing this 200 lbs. all by myself. I have to say though, I felt his concerns. He found every excuse known to man for me not to have it but I always had a come back for him. Either I changed his mind(doubt that) or he got tired of hearing me beg..LOL. As soon as the weight started dropping, one day when I took my daughter to see her Dr. who's in the same building, my PCP saw me, came over and took me in his arms and gave me the sweetest hug(too bad he's married cause he's a cutie

So much for my rambling. Work calls so I must listen if I want to pay bills anyway.
Have a great Friday everyone.

I am sooooo excited about the sunshine too. Along with everyone else I am ready for SPRING!!! My son plays baseball and they have started practicing and I have to dress him like he is playing football!

I am a little sad Firefighter husband found out the department is making changes and the guys on each shift are moving around. This means the guys he has worked with for almost 2 years will be moved to another shift and he will have new guys to work with. This makes me sad because it's like losing family.

Oh...I almost forgot....I started working out in the gym yesterday. I did 4.5 miles on the bike, walked .5 mile on the tread mill and did a few reps with the upper body equipment. I am thankfull the gym is only about 1.5 miles from the office so I went during lunch and when I got off work. I am a little sore today but I plan to go during lunch today too. I have got to get toned up!!

I hope everyone has a Fantabulous Friday and a great weekend!!!
Until next time.....

Hi All,
Carrie... I'm glad that you had supportive response from your PCP and I'm so very sorry that you had a negative comment from the nurse. Enjoy the sun and the weekend!
Judy... CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming metamorphosis... Take this is in the most loving manner... I'm soooo jealous! But, I'm delighted for you and know that it will help you 'see' just how wonderful you look. I'm sure I'll be seeing a new woman by the time I get home. I also think that we need to work on AVON walk. Let me know what I can do to help you. If you want to get it going through the meetup site, I can work with you on that. I think it will be a lot of work and a lot of fun.
Cindy... What a wonderful response from your PCP... Congratulations!
Phyllis... Congrats on your workouts.
It's sunny and cool now, but will rain later today. I just hope the rain stays away until after the funeral service that I have to attend this afternoon.
I'm attending a dinner at the synagogue I used to belong to and no one has seen me since I've lost the weight. It should be interesting. Thank goodness my only 'eating restriction' is how much I can eat and not what I can eat. I look forward to being embraced by the love of G-d and old friends.
I also am only able to see my ailing mother on Saturdays, so I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow, but I have to admit that I do not find those visits to be at all restorative. As a matter of a fact, I'm usually torn asunder when I leave. That said, I wouldn't miss seeing her either.
See you all soon!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145