Tuesday check-in
How was your Monday? Do you have any plans for today? Come on in and share with us, feel free to just ramble away.

Monday made me glad that Friday is just a few days away!

I'm sure that Tuesday's best compliment will be that it is one more day closer to Friday then
Monday was yesterday.
I know, I know, Negative Nellie has returned. For this I apologize.

Wishing you each a Wonderful Tuesday!

Yes I've been MIA for the past week - honestly I just haven't felt very social. I really don't like it when I get down in the dumps. A few days of sunshine this weekend have helped that tremendously. Relationship wise things are still wonderful. If I could just fall back in love with my scales then life would be better. I'm thinking of going back to Weigh****chers - simply for the weekly accountability.
My youngest has been in diesel mechanics school and took a session off due to the broken nose and surgery - now he doesn't want to go back. I really want to inflict harm on him at this point. As adults we know just how bad the economy really is and the "career" prospects for an 18 year old with no degree and no formal training is even bleaker.
David's youngest is really getting in trouble at school (she's 5). There has got to be more to the story than the ex is telling. She's still convinced that the behavior is because of food dyes, perservatives and the like. Dad is taking the incentive to get a little more involved and is meeting with some brick walls here and there - it's very, very frustrating.
Needless to say I'm emotionally drained.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I really understand how hard and frustrating it can be to watch your young 'adult' children make decisions that are not in the own best interests... Both of my sons have done that to one extent or another, but eventually they were able to get themselves 'righted' and come for air. Chris is now a mechanic with 10 years experience with LandRover and Mike is a journeyman plumber. I wish that they had gone to college. They have the brains and to be honest, they are now feeling somewhat trapped by their 'blue collar' jobs. I've told them that can happen with white collar jobs as well. I think if we can give them a little distance and ask them to look at the situation as if they were advising a friend, asking them to look at and weigh the short term and long term pros and cons, it can help somewhat... sometimes.
I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be the almost 'stepmother'... Meaning that while you might have insight and be able to provide support, it may not be welcome.
I think that going to weigh****chers might be a great way to move your weight on down the road. It's a wonderful program that will reinforce the tools you already have at your disposal and may give you some new ones to add to the ones you already have.
Wishing you peace and success,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I agreed to take her but it interups my workout schedule GRRRRR
I slept till 9:30 this morning this is not like me at all must of needed the rest.
I missed my Leads group this morning.
I am going to try and make it next week.
On a bright side at least I am able to get mom into the van buckle her in walk all over Duke and more.
Just think Annie,
You'll get a workout hauling your mom all over Duke, so even though it won't be the workout you are used to, you'll still be getting a workout.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday as well. Today has been okay. Some of the family tension has eased and some is about to erupt. I hate it when I know that the proverbial 'hurricane' is headed right for me and I can't do anything but wait for it to hit. Oh well.
Tomorrow is the Funeral and I'm dreading it for soooo many reasons. Some obvious to the outsiders and some not.
In some ways, I'm looking forward to this week being over, but in others not, because Ben and Sarah will be on their way back to Raleigh at the crack of dawn Saturday morning. I will miss them, their help and support.
Hope the rest of your week goes well and quickly.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145