Monday Check-in
How was your weekend? What are you plans for today? Come on in and share with us, feeling free to just ramble away.

Yesterday was a much needed "girls day out" with my BFF, Sandy. We had a wonderful day of just browsing the stores and talking about everything and nothing. It was a very mindless day. After the last few weeks at work is was exactly what my mind needed, no thinking!
If everything goes according to plan, this week will be a very stressful time at work for me. The only saving grace is hopefully it will be wrapping up all the drama that has been so much a part of my work day. So I may be AWOL again most of this week.
I purchased a lot of healthy and yummy food yesterday to help fuel me this week. I have planned several mini-meals throughout my day. I seem to do so much better with this than the 3 meals thing.
I wish each one of you a WONDERFUL Monday!

it will be a busy day for me today, filled with both fun and work. I'm workig furiously this morning trying to get a bunch of stuff done before hubby and i head e out to do a little shopping. He's lost so much weight that he needs a couple pairs of shorts... yes, i said shorts... cuz he's taking me to the BAHAMAS!!!!!

I'm going to make sure i eat well and healthy today, I have to work on my healthy eating one day at a time... I'm trying to be more accountable, but as usual i fall down in that area... especially when I'm around carbs... they are definitely my downfall now and always have been!
That's it for now... back to work for me!
Wow!!! That's wonderful and I hope that the two of you have a wonderful time!!
Enjoy yourselves. You have really had a tough couple of months and could use some R&R.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Planning out my mini meal schedule seems to be working well for me. This weekend's food has been terrible but ....I'm back on track this morning. The plan today revolves around the vitamins, water and exercise.
I had a great day Saturday - spent it with my step sister and we did some power shopping. I got some great deals at Fashion Bug on a couple of sweaters and then we hit Belks and got some really, really good deals there. I bought both my boys Saddlebred robes that had been $70 at Christmas but on clearance they were less than $10 --I told them that these were hugs from their Moma everytime they wore them. I sent Buddy his back to Augusta with my step sister and he called me this morning to tell me how nice his felt.
It was nice to celebrate without food. Serena got an outfit then dug to the bottom of her back in hopes of finding candy. She was a little vocal in her disappointment. So sorry. david kept asking me what I wanted and I finally told him Saturday that what I wanted didn't come from a store. I wanted to sit down on the couch at 1 o'clock yesterday and turn on the race and not have to get up until it went off. No wiping of noses, no fixing anybody a snack -- nothing. Just the remote in my hand and the race on TV. OH what BLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved every single lap and red flag second of it (that counted as part of the race - sorry - you'll have to ask your daddy...)
I'm feeling very rested this morning. The sun is shining. Life is good.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Glad to hear everyone had a great weekend. Mine was good. I think I overdid it yesterday and I dearly paid for it last night. Had a very restless nights sleep. Oh is another day. Blake will be helping me with laundry, dishes, etc today since he is out of school. He is not too excited but oh well!
I will be working from home this week. Payroll has to get done! Already had a few calls from work this morning. Guess they heard I am doing well! haha
Guess I better get at it.......
Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I'm here!
My weight is holding around 142 now. Not exactly the way I'd like to trim down a bit, but ... I'm not eating as well as I should and I keep forgetting my supplements. I need to find a way to make sure that I get them in.
Sarah made me a scrambled egg with a bit of milk and cheese this morning and brought me that with a wonderful slice of rustic sour dough toast and an icy cold glass of milk. My son's fiance made a bunch of wonderful chicken enchiladas for dinner and there was some leftover filling, so I enjoyed the chicken filling with a bit of beans and rice. For dinner my SIL brought over salad and pizza. I had a slice and was done.
I'm making a concerted effort to drink more and that seems to be helping some.
My FIL is failing fast and we are now being pressed to make some decisions that I'm not sure I'm ready to make... I don't know what to do and or what is best all around.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145