Monday Check-in
How was your weekend? Do you have any plans for today? Come on in and share with us. We love to hear your ramblings!

I had a much needed restful weekend. I feel really refreshed, but unfortunately I realize that will last for about 5 minutes, if that, after I arrive at work.

It felt like Christmas at my house with all the baking and cooking going on. I love to bake and watch others enjoy my results. So I made brownies for both my office and DH's office. I made a pound cake for DH to enjoy at home. I just modified the recipe so it was not so sugar laden.
Yesterday I made a big pot of soup for my lunches this week. It is very protein heavy and yummy.
We were finally able to get out of the house yesterday afternoon. When we woke up it was a sheet of ice everywhere we looked, but by noon most of it had melted off the roads and walkway. We went to Walmart to pick up groceries. Most of their shelves were still bare as they must have been closed during the storm and I am sure there were no deliveries during that time. We were able to find everything on our list and return home safely.
I hijacked the little boy next door's sled and went down the icy hill yesterday. First of all it was a child's sled and I was able to fit in it. I was more excited with that accomplishment then the ride down the hill! I hadn't been on a sled since I left home at 17 more than 30 years ago!

As I reflect on this weekend and my stressful job, I can actually say that I don't seek food for comfort as much as I would have 3 years ago. This weekend I noticed that I would find a chore to keep me occupied if my mind drifted that way or if I could free my mind, a good book to read. I consider that a WOW, since food was my very best friend at one time.
Today I plan on trying to minimize as much stress at work as I can. I have lots of healthy food options and liquids to take with me.
Hope Everyone has a WONDERFUL Monday.

Sitting here looking outside it's so beautiful everything is so white and clean. I may just have to bundle up and get out there for my walk. They have pretty much got the main roads clear it's the secondary rds that need it now.
Food choices are like most soups, stews something hearty. Trying for the water and vitamins
Have a bless day
Good Morning!
Yesterday we got out of the house for a little while. It seemed so good to get some fresh air! My husband is off work today and my son is out of school so I left them at home being lazy.I made it to work with no problems, we live on a road that has been cleared and work is on a major highway. Today, I go for my last visit before surgery and hopefully will come home with a surgery date.
I am sooooo ready to be on the losers bench!
I have not planned what to eat today and hope I can pick up a good choice on the way to the appointment for lunch. This is one thing I will have to work on post op! I don't like the feeling of "having to eat what I can find".
Hope everyone has a great day!
My life is a soap opera and the saga continues...
My mother-in-law suffered massive strokes more than 20 years ago. My father-in-law has been her primary caregiver since then. Now he is seriously ill and needs someone to care for him. My son lives with them, but works full time. He has been a trooper, but my MIL and FIL had him call me yesterday and ask me to come help them. I would have gotten on a plane today, but we are still socked in with ice and snow and can't get out of the neighborhood. I scheduled a flight out tomorrow and will be gone for a couple of weeks. I'll be taking my laptop and phone, but I may just sign on now and then.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I have a get together tonight so I am trying to figure out time to get my work out in. I think I will split it up and do 1/2 today at lunch and then do the sweaty stuff (elliptical) after work. I am in the maintainence phase of this all and I am still trying to figure out what I am doing. How odd not to have to lose weight.
Family is good, Job is fine. No complaints. I am definitely blessed.
Barb, I hope your visit to help is not too stressful.
Goody, good for you to have found other ways to relieve stress. I know for me it is to just take a walk around the work building doing faxing or something.
Hope all is well for everyone and prayers go out to those in need.
I shouldn't have to cook all week. I made Ham & Vegetable soup ( a huge, huge, huge pot - more like a cauldron) and a pot of 15 bean soup. David has a sweet tooth so I made him a pecan pie (I don't like those - never have) so that was safe to have in the house during the storm. I did find cream cheese in the back of the fridge so I made a splenda sweetened cheesecake.
We had the kids this weekend so it was lots of high energy bouncing around our house this weekend. At times it felt more like we were all caged animals. Everyone survived - Thank God we didn't lose power. It was a full time job keeping the bird feeders full for our "littlest" visitors on the 3 feeders out side.
I don't think I did all that bad on my food this weekend. It seemed that I drank ALOT of coffee. But when I cleaned out the cabinets over the weekend I can safely say that anything I pick up in the house is on my list of "healthy" foods. Serena was so funny this weekend. She's just getting over a sinus infection and we were really encouraging her to eat and drink - well she must be getting ready for a growth spurt because the child ate everything in sight. The SF jellos that I had just stocked up on (3 cartons of 6) she ate all but maybe 2 of them. Activia Yogurt - she loves those as much as I do (peach and vanilla were her favorites) thankfully she left the key lime flavored ones for me. everytime we turned around - "What can I eat?"
I'm so glad to be back to work this morning. We had a two hour delay so that made it even better.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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314.5 294 208 258.4