Saturday Check-in
How was your week? Do you have any plans for the weekend? Do you have a need to ramble?
Come on in and share.

I have been MIA most of this week and unfortunately it will probably continue for a while. I am trying very hard to count my many blessings during this very stressful time in my life.
For today, I am grateful for a warm home. I will be warm and comfortable inside while it is so cold with mostly freezing rain outside. As a result of the in-climate weather, I will be able to take advantage of the isolation to get some much needed rest.
I have all intentions of staying in my jammies in front of a fireplace and just catch up on the computer or reading. This is all I have planned for today.
Unfortunately, I do have some bookkeeping to get done before Monday morning. So tomorrow afternoon, I will get some work done while still in my jammies!
I am sitting here in my recliner posting with a yummy cup of chocolate mint protein coffee by my side. Life is good for NOW.
I hope each one of you have a WONDERFUL Saturday! Please keep safe.

Blogs and

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Good Morning All,
Life's challenges continue to mount. Ben's father is seriously ill. One of our son's lives with Ben's parents because my MIL suffered strokes over 20 yrs ago and he helps them, but it's becoming overwhelming. Our son has been a real trooper and has been caring for his grandparents while working full time and it's starting to be more than he can handle. He took off work yesterday to take his grandfather to the Dr because he's fallen a couple of time, is seriously lethargic, has become very cantankerous, having trouble vomiting and with constipation, etc... When talking to the Dr., my FIL wasn't forthcoming and Mike had to step in an tell him that my FIL was drinking and is having issues, including mood changes, vomiting, constipation, fatigue, etc... He has a significantly enlarged liver, his BP is through the roof, his heart is enlarged... and it appears he probably has cirrhosis that may be significantly advanced... We are heartsick and not sure what this will mean... We may have to move back home to help care for them...
I've stocked the fridge and pantry with what I hope will be some good for us comfort stuff. I'm going to put the london broil in to roast with some winter vegi's to start with... mmmm. I'll to see what else.
I think once I get the roast on, I need to head to the basement to start sorting throug it ... I think it's likely we will be moving, I'm just not sure where yet.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Having a cup of hazelnut decaf, will add some protein powder when it cools a little more. I have been chipping away at cleaning out my closet all week, doing a little bit each night. I want to spend a couple of quality hours today. I am still finding things I can wear! I did not realize I had so many clothes; I vow to never own that many things again! It must be a sin to own that many shoes. I have some friends that do mission work in the coal towns of WV. They are taking the gently used things.
I have not posted since I went for my 6 month check up. Doctor was pleased, I am right on track. Labs are good. I won't see the surgeon again for 6 months.
I am so glad I did this. My only regret is that I did not do it 5 years ago. Every day is a little victory. In the car the other day, I noticed that my foot keep slipping off the gas pedal. It was a DUH moment when I realized I needed to move the seat up so I could reach it!
Hope everyone has a safe, warm weekend.
Congrats to those who get to stay inside today and enjoy the warmth of the jammies. I'm at work and it's be nice so far. I work communications I'm your friendly 911 dispatcher
Had my year appt with Dr. and he was very pleased with everything I have accomplished, so am I. This past year has flown by. I am still making good decision on my food, I've slowed down my spending on new clothes I get my water in everyday. My only problem is getting in the vit. I just find it very hard to commit to them I know I should and I'm trying.
I get to work the whole weekend and if it gets bad I'll be spending the night right here. (brought extra clothes just in case) also have meals for days just in case.
You all stay nice and cozy and keep off the roads if possible.