Nothing tastes as good as ______ feels.... fill in the blank
Nothing tastes as good as passing my momma my big clothes (12s) feels.
Nothing tastes as good as having this group of friends to encourage me when I want those tastes feels.
Nothing tastes as good as having my baby (7 yrs old Thursday) put her arms around me and say "momma you're tiny" feels.
Nothing tastes as good as being able to walk a 20-min mile on the treadmill and barely breathing hard feels.
Nothing tastes as good as having people not recognize me feels.
Thanks Alice! Such a reflective post!
Nothing tastes as good as having this group of friends to encourage me when I want those tastes feels.
Nothing tastes as good as having my baby (7 yrs old Thursday) put her arms around me and say "momma you're tiny" feels.
Nothing tastes as good as being able to walk a 20-min mile on the treadmill and barely breathing hard feels.
Nothing tastes as good as having people not recognize me feels.
Thanks Alice! Such a reflective post!
One more I thought of tonight...
Nothing tastes as good as...soaking in a "regular" sized tub and NOT touching the sides...feels!!! I hate to touch the sides of the tub (don't know why) so haven't taken a tub bath for years - only showers. I tried it a couple of weeks ago and I don't touch! My mom thought I was crazy when I told her. She's always been thin so she wouldn't think of something like that.
Nothing tastes as good as...soaking in a "regular" sized tub and NOT touching the sides...feels!!! I hate to touch the sides of the tub (don't know why) so haven't taken a tub bath for years - only showers. I tried it a couple of weeks ago and I don't touch! My mom thought I was crazy when I told her. She's always been thin so she wouldn't think of something like that.