Looking for recommendations in Fayetteville area
Hi Everyone!
I'm looking for information on bariatric surgeons in the Fayetteville area. I have met (and LOVED) Dr. Mitchell out in Pinehurst, however my insurance changed and he doesn't take my new(er) insurance so he's out
I'm currently waiting to hear back from Villiage Surgical to see what their program is like and get set up for consultations, etc. I just wanted to know if there were any other surgeons in Fayetteville that people have used and would recommend...just in case I'm not comfortable with their programs. I'm sure it's normal to be nervous, I was before I met with Dr. Mitchell as well, but I also am not opposed to checking a few different programs prior to making a decision. In fact, I'd prefer it
Thanks in advance!!
I'm looking for information on bariatric surgeons in the Fayetteville area. I have met (and LOVED) Dr. Mitchell out in Pinehurst, however my insurance changed and he doesn't take my new(er) insurance so he's out

I'm currently waiting to hear back from Villiage Surgical to see what their program is like and get set up for consultations, etc. I just wanted to know if there were any other surgeons in Fayetteville that people have used and would recommend...just in case I'm not comfortable with their programs. I'm sure it's normal to be nervous, I was before I met with Dr. Mitchell as well, but I also am not opposed to checking a few different programs prior to making a decision. In fact, I'd prefer it

I'm not familiar with the surgeon's in that area, but I would suggest that you consider checking the 'find a surgeon' link that appears on the top blue banner. You can search for a surgeon in the Fayetteville area. You can also look at the surgeon's in the greater Raleigh area. There are several programs in this area as well.
Good luck,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for the suggestions. A lot of what I was able to find on my own was out of date, but thanks to these boards I've had a few replies privately and I'm excitedly waiting for my seminar and to meet with the Dr's next week
. If I'm not comfortable, I might just look in the Raleigh area but hopefully I feel as confident as those that have emailed me did. Thanks again!
Thanks for the suggestions. A lot of what I was able to find on my own was out of date, but thanks to these boards I've had a few replies privately and I'm excitedly waiting for my seminar and to meet with the Dr's next week