Doing the Happy Dance ....
Today is the day I went from SMO / Obese to just plain overweight. Mixed feelings on that after losing 265 lbs. BMI is really not a good inidcator for us WLS patients. I need to schedule a nutrition consult toget my body fat checked. I'd like to target a body fat range of 10-15%. Thats really the best indicator of overall health. There are so many differing body types and external isues that affect BMI that its easy to be mislead by that number. But for now, I just need to accept that my BMI is 29 and feel good about what I have accomplished. My personal trainer told me that body builders with 5% body fat are often considered SMO. Imagine that...
All that said, I am truly happy and blessed with my weight loss. I feel good and am the healthiest I have ever been in my life. I am finally seeing my new body image emerge and it is beginning to mesh with the mental image I have always had of myself (thanks to a little cosmetic work, can't say enough how that abdominoplasty has changed the way I look and how I feel about myself). Oh yeah, I am finally in the fabled onederland at last. Weighed in at 198 this morning.
All this is great, but the cherry on the cake for me is knowing I will be there for my family. I know that had I not taken drastic action with my life, I would have died a young man. My wife grew up without a dad (he too died young), and I was bound and determined to not have that life for my kid. With a little luck, I will be around to walk her down the aisle, and watch my grand kids grow up, and travel the country with my wifey in a big old RV when we retire (assuming we can afford the gas).
Doing the happy dance in onederland...
All that said, I am truly happy and blessed with my weight loss. I feel good and am the healthiest I have ever been in my life. I am finally seeing my new body image emerge and it is beginning to mesh with the mental image I have always had of myself (thanks to a little cosmetic work, can't say enough how that abdominoplasty has changed the way I look and how I feel about myself). Oh yeah, I am finally in the fabled onederland at last. Weighed in at 198 this morning.
All this is great, but the cherry on the cake for me is knowing I will be there for my family. I know that had I not taken drastic action with my life, I would have died a young man. My wife grew up without a dad (he too died young), and I was bound and determined to not have that life for my kid. With a little luck, I will be around to walk her down the aisle, and watch my grand kids grow up, and travel the country with my wifey in a big old RV when we retire (assuming we can afford the gas).
Doing the happy dance in onederland...

Congrats, Dalton
Wonderand is a wonderful place to be!!! I'm hoping to live te rest of my life there!!! I certainly understand what you're saying about your BMI. It's hard to understand that a person can lose so much weight, look so good, feel so GREAT, be so healthly and still be considered obese!!! It just doesn't seem fair after all our hard work... i personally HATE the BMI scale!!! It really ****** me off!!

I can picture you and Rose in that RV with all ( 5 or 6)
your grandchildren on your way to the Grand Canyon! You will be a FANTASTIC grandpa.
Just move over and save me a seat on that Onderland bench. I will get there this year.
Congrads on your many successes and keep doing that happy dance!
I can picture you and Rose in that RV with all ( 5 or 6)

Just move over and save me a seat on that Onderland bench. I will get there this year.
Congrads on your many successes and keep doing that happy dance!

I'm sitting here smiling trying to figure out if you'll be like Chevy Chase in the Original Vacation with Aunt Whoever tied to the top of the car or if you'll roll into your destinations like Cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation....Good stuff either way!!!!
Enjoy the happy dance regardless of which measure you use -you've earned it.
Enjoy the happy dance regardless of which measure you use -you've earned it.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4