Thursday morning check-in
Hope you had a GREAT day yesterday. What did you do? What are your plans for today?

Yesterday went well for me. I actually closed the door to my office because I had to deal with too many immature women. I have never worked with a better group of people, but sometimes they act like they are in kindergarden! Tattle, Tattle, Tattle! But picture this happening with 12 women that are between the ages of 45-70. Once I closed the door, I was able to accomplish a lot of the catch up on my cluttered desk. By the end of the day tomorrow I may be able to say I am current or at least where I should be for Monday morning.
I did make my morning gazelle appointment and I really believe the exercise helps with the stress of the day. I mainly stayed with my liquids again yesterday, but last night I was hungry around 8pm so I ate a protein bar. It was my first solidfood in 2 days and Ms. Picky was happy to accept the bar. I think she may be willing to cooperate with some food again so I will stick to a soft diet today and see if she stays as content as she is now.
Like Judy, I find I snack a lot more in the evening as I pass through the kitchen so I will cut up some protein bars into lower calorie pieces, keep a pot of hot herbal tea available and maybe have some cut up veggies in the fridge. I placed some gum around the house so I will be able to stick something in my mouth when I feel the need to chew.
This morning I made some deviled eggs and cut up low fat cheese chunks for lunch. If Ms Picky is still doing well at dinner I have a meatloaf made up that I will stick in the oven when I get home from work. But I thin****il she is settled I will still supplement with protein drinks in between. Well I am off to visit my gazelle and some music my husband downloaded into the ipod for me.
Have a GREAT day!

Hi Carrie,
I had an okay day yesterday. I'm doing a lot of research on Medicare, TriCare, VA Aid and Assistance and Medicaid coverage for my mother. She's really not doing well and is receiving home health care after her hospitalization following Thanksgiving. At this point, she needs 24/7 care and while my sister can and will provide support, she doesn't have my mother living with her and is not and will not be her primary care giver. This means enormous expenses and my mother doesn't have long term care insurance... My sister isn't familiar with Medicare, so I've been working to give her and my brothers an overview of her coverage through Medicare and TriCare. I'm also trying to see what other options will be when her assets run out.
Ben was laid off a year ago this month. We think that Ben will be eligible for the last extension of his unemployment benefits, but the Employment Security Commission won't give us an answer; they said that they have mailed out the determinations last week, so we sit on pins and needles to see if we may be able to keep our heads above the water line for a few more months or if we are about to start sinking fast.
We have other stressors going on that I won't go into here; but suffice it to say that we are both incredibly stressed!! This shows itself in my choices. I can see that I really gravitate to carbs when I'm stressed. I think I'll see what I can do to set myself up for success. I made a wonderful Turkey and wild rice soup the other day and I'll heat some of that up for lunch. I'll check the fridge to see what else I can do for dinner that will comforting, but support my long term goals of maintaining a healthy weight.
I hope to take care of some chores and get some packages mailed today, then I'll make a run to the grocery store to get a few things.
I hope you have a great day.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Lots going on here.
Lee and I went to see the doctor and the doctor has released lee to return to full duty on Sunday.
Come to find out Lee has ganied 35lbs since he has been on sick leave OMG!!!!!
Also his BP was way up and the doctor has put him back on all his heart meds since the bleeding ulcer episode.
The doctor said he would like Lee to get some of that weight off and the increase of BP was due to the weight gain NO **** OMG.
So here I am doing all the leg work running forms here and there getting signatures for short term disabilty which we have heard nothing from.
I am grateful I am able to go and do.
I asked Lee to please follow my lead as far as the weight thing goes because if I could wear a metal and have a diploma for weight loss I think I have earned it.
One thing I do know is I cant do it for him and it is very hard to just sit by and watch someone you love do nothing to help themselves.
Me on the other hand am very proud to announce I am up to doing 50 situps every three days and am doing 1 minute sprints on my bike.
Still loving my morning walks with my dogs and cat.
As for workingout reliving stress it is number one on my list for helping with that along with my music OMG I could not do what I do without it.
I'm checking in late today, even though my morning started VERY early (for me!) with a call from a client @ 7:30 this moning!!! So, i've missed the 2nd day of my "first hour for Judy" plan where i excercise first thing in the morning. So i'll be doing some treadmill and weight training after i finish up here.
I've been in the house working for the past 3 days... so i NEED to get out!!! I'm certainly getting "barn sour". I'll head off to Office Depot to pick up some forms i need to to get out the W-2's and 1099's for clients, then over to Sam's club to pick up some salmon & talapia. I like their pre-portioned selections. It makes it really simple to grab a 4 oz piece of fish for a quick dinner! Then on to some "real" grocery shopping. Hopefully by the time i get back home i'll have put my 10,000 steps on my pedometer!
That's my day's plan... nothing too exciting, but oh, well... it gets me out of the house and away from work! Talk to you tomorrow.
Today I'm having computer issues at work - as in IT DOESN"T WANT TO WORK!!!!! It keeps shutting down or gets in the middle of restarting and then freezes up. What fun. I definetly see the link between stress and carb eating. I could do some real damage today if I let myself loose.
Must stay focused!! Must stay focused!!! Must stay focused!!
I've had enough of the aching tailbone. I'm going to stop at my PCP's office on the way home from work tonight and get it checked out. You know I hurt if I'm willing to go there during clinic hours - can't wait to see what weird illness I can come down with next week as a result of having been there. ha ha - not really .....I've tried about 6 different pillows and combinations and angles and anything that I thought might work. NOTHING!!! I've gone from being a pain in the rear to having a pain in the rear - and it's not FUN!! Yall should see me at home. I end up straddling the arm of the couch like it's a horse (riding english no less so that nothing has any pressure on it)and sit there to watch TV. lol
OKay now that yall have that mental picture - HAVE A GREAT AFTERNOON!!!!!!!

Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4