looking for neighbors
i went to the info seminar in pinehurst and did the mound of paperwork and my first appointment is dec 30th. i am scared. mostly scared i cant do what is necessary. i have a history of addictions and have kicked most, street drugs, alcohol, cigs..but not food, caffeine, sugar, and others. i desperately need support. would love to find someone(s) near me to see f2f. can anyone relate. i live in troy. help?
I also have an addictive personality. I was addicted to diet pills most of my life and when I found out I had damaged my heart so badly, I learned about gastric bypass, and I had to receive cardiac clearance for the surgery. I am 1 year out and have lost 115 lbs. Saved my life! I am very compliant to all the rules and work a 12 step program and see a psychotherapist weekly. I have sent you a PM, and hope you can make "being healthy" your new addiction. I have.
hi thanks for the response. i am new at this website and will say something probably dumb. what is a PM? i hope i can make being healthy my new addiction but i am scared. i also go to 12 step AA but not nearly as much as i used to or should. i moved 5 yrs ago and not many meetings within 30 minutes. not much sobriety and not very welcoming to any discussion of other issues. i wish you were closer but from mapquest it is over an hour away. the closer it gets the more i am 1) afriad they will turn me down and 2) that i cant do it. heck, i quit smoking and that was by far the hardest of all so far!

i am still hoping for responses for people anywhere around me. as i read around i realize i don't know where most of these towns are you women are from so i realized many of you might not know where my spot is - troy - . it is in Montgomery county. mid state. closer reasonable size towns are asheboro on one side and albemarle on the other. anyne from either direction? we are just a speck. love reading about everyone.