Hello newbie here!! In fayetteville NC

on 12/20/09 5:28 am - flat rock, NC
Hello everyone!! well i have decided to start looking into WLS. Im in a point of my life that i feel this is my only hope. Im just to young to not enjoy life. I only have medicaid so im hoping they will work with me. the only thing is i havent been to a regular doctor since i moved to NC 3 YRS ago. I been to dentist and ER and stuff like that. But not a a main doctor. Will that be an issue for me to start this process. Any ideas and info about the steps of WLS with medicaid wil be very help full! Thanks alot!
on 12/20/09 2:59 pm - flat rock, NC
No body??
on 12/20/09 6:11 pm - NC

Just wanted to wish you luck as you start.  I'm sorry I have no advice on to where to start as my jouney started with the doctors referrals for surgery.  I had BCBS so I am not familar to the process with medicaid.

This forum is not very active during the weekends, so perhaps someone will reply later today.

Again, I wish you the best.
on 12/20/09 6:37 pm - Elm City, NC
I think with medicaid you have to have a primary doctor refer you to a specialist. You need a primary care doctor anyway so maybe that's where to start. I wish you much success with your journey. You may want to post this on the main board also as this forum is sort of slow. Good luck. But you need a primary care doctor whether you have WLS or not. At least I think so.
It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.
Mother Teresa  

on 12/21/09 3:11 am - flat rock, NC
well i know that i need a pcd i have been looking for one  i just moved here.
on 12/21/09 12:28 am - Fayetteville, NC
Hi Amanda,
I just moved off Fort Bragg into Fayetteville.  Welcome to the forum!  Even in the military system, I had to have a primary care doc *****ferred me to the surgeon, plus you have to have one because there is often a lot of testing and things that needs to be done which you can have done by your regular Dr.  You want to go into the surgery being as healthy as you can be, so I would begin by finding a Dr. for regular care, get a complete physical, and let them know you are wanting to go this route.  I do know I have read of many on Obesity Help who have had medicaid, so I am sure it can be done.  I am actually looking for a primary care Dr. myself, so post if you find a good one soon :-).  My husband just went from being active duty to National Guard, so I am without a dr. at the moment, but I made sure to do all of my 9 month checkups and things with my surgeon, nutritionist, etc. beforehand so I actually have a few months leeway on finding someone.
I wish you all the best in this.  It really is a great way to get healthy and take our lives back over in a whole new way.  I am loving that I was almost 300 15 months ago and now am just under 200 for this Christmas.  It makes a huge difference in being able to enjoy things, move arod, feel good when waking up because of a good nights sleep, and so much more!!  Congratulations on taking the first step of maing this decision :-)
Married 19 years to the love of my life, and now getting to enjoy that life with him so very much more!

on 12/21/09 3:15 am - flat rock, NC
Hey thanks for your reply. yea i ahve been looking for a new primary care doctor my self. i just moved here too. so im looking fo a good one.I am also very close to to fort bragg! so let me know too if u find one! TY
on 12/21/09 3:31 am - flat rock, NC

Ok so well i didnt find an answer i was seeking. i KNOW i need an regular dr. i dont need to be told that LOL i just moved from clinton to fayetteville and im searching me a dr. but it dont help medicaid dont give u no list or anything were to find one. so im on my own having to search and make calls seeing if the accept medicaid. Any ways back to my main post i was trying to figure out if if was going to be a problem with having a new doctor and not haveing a dr in the last 3 yrs cause i know medicaid requires 3 yrs of recorded weigh ins. so i was wanting to ask some one that has medicaid and knows more about this. Is this a must? will i be denied cause i havent seen a dr in 3 yrs? i quess im just affraid of being let down and i would feel more comfortable hearing the process from someone thats been threw it :( Thanks every one who as replyed trying to help

on 12/21/09 6:58 am
 Im not sure about medicaid, you may need a weight history of like the last  6 years... If you have a previous doctor that has that you should be ok.. I'm not sure if they make you do a weight loss of 6 months as well.. Work with a dietitcan and monitoring... Then have them summit the paper work..
I know everyone says call the medicare and see what the rules are. More then likely you will get a person that has no idea where to find it on the computer and give you some random BS...
i'm not sure how to find a PCM that take Medicaid either.. Some post it in the yellow pages, or you can call around... 
Good luck its an awesome surgery and even better life after the surgery... 
take care 
on 12/21/09 12:33 pm - flat rock, NC
I quess imma just give it  shot after the holidays Thanks so much hun!!
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