Ornament exchange
Many of you know that I have Havanese dogs and Carolyn, aka Grammy Lew got my name and sent me a little puppy climbing out of a giftbox with a Santa's cap and it really does look like it could be a little Havanese puppy. I immediately put it on our tree in the family that if filled with fun items like that and things the kids made. I used a sharpie marker to put a note on the bottom of it so that I'll always know where it came from and who gave it to me.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I wanted to be able to personalize the ornament I sent also but I couldn't find my person on here. Evidently she doesn't post much and when I entered her name in the search engine it didn't pull anything up. I did put a lot of thought into the ornament I chose. I hope she likes it.
It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
I know what you mean! I did not know much about the recipient of my ornament but when I was in a giftshop and there was a decorated tree titled "The Diva Tree", I knew I was going to chose one off of that tree---you know---from one "Diva" to another. I chose a kooky-funky one so she would remember the kooky lady that had her name in the exchange!
A little aside about an ornament. After Thanksgiving when my daughter and I were just browsing and admiring the Christmas things in Target, I saw an ornament of a white hippo in a red Christmas bikini. It just seemed to speak to me. She seemed so proud and happy in her bikini and Santa hat even though she is a little fluffy and that's how I feel about my new weight. Still fluffy but proud to be getting smaller. No bikinis yet but maybe this summer.
It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
Oh, and by the way, I bought the ornament for myself and hung it on the lamp beside my chair so I see it all the time.
It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa