Being accountable
I think that 'accountability' is one of the cornerstones that will help shore up our long term success. What works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for another. What do you do to hold yourself accountable?
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
For me accountability means proper exercise, especially on the days when I 'really' need it. There are days where eating right just plain isn't possible. Then there are the days where I just fall off the turnip truck and hit a bag of chips or something equally bad. The thing to remember is to be accountable to your body. Daily exercise is important in general to long term WL success. If you eat badly, then keep yourself in check by upping the exercise a bit to balance out your day. Try to stick to set meal plans and don't deviate, but when you do (and you will), take a walk to burn off that bag of doritos.
Did you know that running in place burns 10-12 calories. Or taking a brisk walk for 20 minutes can burn 100 calories or more. The further you are out froom surgery, the more you will find that you rediscover food. So, do indulge from time to time. You're human and you have to enjoy life. But remember, when eating the cheesecake, there are consequences and if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle going forward, be accountable to your body.
Did you know that running in place burns 10-12 calories. Or taking a brisk walk for 20 minutes can burn 100 calories or more. The further you are out froom surgery, the more you will find that you rediscover food. So, do indulge from time to time. You're human and you have to enjoy life. But remember, when eating the cheesecake, there are consequences and if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle going forward, be accountable to your body.

I couldn't have said it better myself!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145