OT - I'll just get right to the point - Wheel of Fortune
I could have named this post many things:
What I will Do for My Mama
As Much As I Hate Attention I Want to Be on TV...Not
How I Spent My Saturday
What Was I Thinking
Did I really Think They Would Pick Me
How Silly Am I Willing To Be
Ok I'll stop...I heard Wheel of Fortune was coming to NC, Fayetteville and somewhere else (senior moment). It brought back memories....
My mother LOVES this show. To me, it's ok. I really do no****ch game shows a lot. They just do not interest me. So how wonderful it was when they came to Raleigh at Crabtree Mall a couple of years ago.
My mother called me and BEGGED me to go. I mean BEGGED me. I knew if I did not go, I would be shunned for life. Guilt trips forever. Ok, so I went cause like the first child to go to college, I was going to be the first family member on TV to make my family rich (like I was going to share)!
Yes, I stood in line to participate in (2) shows (crowd member). I was told to be very enthusiastic if called on stage. In fact, it would help if I was very enthusiastic in the crowd.
Now as much as I love to talk (and I hate public speaking) I do not like attention. I mean I HATE attention. At my wedding, I cried and nearly passed out when the congregation stood for the bride to walk down the aisle. THEY WERE ALL LOOKING AT ME! I told them to sit down and look up front at Michael as I would be there shortly.
So talky me does not have an 'enthusiastic' button that I can just turn on and off. If I did, it was surely stuck in off that day. I watched as the people if the crowd jumped and screamed and ...well you know how folks do...
So I stood and endured this torture for about 8 hours.
Did I get a call? Nooooooo
Did I get a lovely parting gift? Noooooo
I am still trying to remember if I even got to go to the bathroom.
So get your letters ready and go forth to represent NC. I will not be there. Now if someone would choose me to go on stage. just maybe THEN I would turn my enthusiastic button on. Until then I'll be on my couch watching the news at 7:30pm routing you on!
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!

They would all go once a month to try and get on that show, but they had to wear their blues, on the bus ride and then sit in them in tapeing process.. he still to this complains about it.. lol because he never won or got called..
take care