Are you going to Atlanta for the OH event in Nov?
If so, I thought maybe we could get together. I'd like to be able meet and visit with some of virtual friends, so let me know if you are going to be there and let's see if we can schedule a meeting.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I am tickled pink you are going to Atlanta. I hope Ben will be too.
Ann and the 'Bean'
Blogs and
High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Blogs and
High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Thanks! Ben is going to stay here and hold down the fort... Too many dogs and a teenager, so one of us had to stay home.
Hope to see you next week.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145