From a 20W to a 16W!
It sounds like you're doing a fantastic job! We measure succes in many different ways and sizes is a big one for me!
My mom sent me info about the probiotics and I forgot to ask about them when I saw my dr. Where do you get them from? I would be interested in trying that out.
How is the couch to 5k thing going? I have "started" several times but do not keep up with it. In fact since chool has started back (for teachers) I haven't walked but one day. I have to get back into it!
You're doing great...keep it up!!!
My mom sent me info about the probiotics and I forgot to ask about them when I saw my dr. Where do you get them from? I would be interested in trying that out.
How is the couch to 5k thing going? I have "started" several times but do not keep up with it. In fact since chool has started back (for teachers) I haven't walked but one day. I have to get back into it!
You're doing great...keep it up!!!