Eating Triggers
We all have eating triggers. They might be related to our environment, or emotions, social settings, our mental state or even our biological needs for fuel.
It's important that we identify our triggers, subtle and obvious, so that we can recognize and manage them. Please think about your eating triggers and let's discuss what they are and ways we can manage them so that we don't become slaves to them.Barbara
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Ginny
I think that social eating is a bit obstacle for most of us and when whatever is there isn't good for you no matter what you choose, it can be hard. I don't know if you can effectively bring something ... i.e., a protien smoothie ...
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I was talking with my walking partner this morning. We were talking about drinks (sodas, soft drinks, whatever you call them). They are a problem for her in that she can't leave them alone. I explained to her that I haven't had one in 7 months but if I could that would be the first thing I'd grab! That's another craving (?) that I still have but only if they are around which is why I don't keep them in the house. I drink tea or lemonade when I go out. Just feel like I need something more "special" than water. Any other suggestions?
I think you are working and moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, there isn't an 'easy' solution to the issues you have raised. Social eating that is structured around things like work events that we can't escape are definitely a challenge. I think that you are doing the right kinds of thing when you have protein filled breakfast. You might check to see if the people putting together the event can/will provide some sort of salad for lunch. That normally is relatively safe ground. You can even bring your own 'safe' dressing. You might even bring your own 'lunch/snack' in a cooler that is protein based. I'd bring something that you absolutely love, so that you aren't feeling deprived when you have something different.
I don't mean to cause you any problems, but have you 'tried' a soda since surgery? I used to be addicted to them, as was my husband Ben. For most folks, after surgery our tool restricts volume and when you fill it with a carbonated drink, it isn't nearly as satisfying as you might think it would be and can even become uncomfortable. Soooo...., even though I used to love an ice cold Coke, they just aren't that appealing anymore. They were before I tried them a couple of times. I don't dump on them, I don't feel sick with them, but they just aren't satisfying anymore. Just a thought... Maybe trying them and finding out that they aren't as good as they were before will 'liberate' you from that particular craving. That said, if you aren't comfortable 'tempting fate,' then don't do it.
Wishing you all the best as you find ways to navigate the shark infested waters you find your self in these days.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145