Preoperative Anxiety?
Okay, now that my date is scheduled I am feeling a bit paranoid - but not about what you'd think. I am afraid that I will catch a cold or get sick and be rescheduled or canceled. Most of my anxiety at this point seems to be related to things that would stop my surgery from going forward - not about the surgery itself (at least for now). Did anyone else feel like this? I thought that once I had a date and insurance approval, that I would stop feeling like something was going to stand in the way of my surgery. It's like I still don't believe it's going to happen. Am I the only one?
Perfectly normal. I also had that sinking feeling that it was all some weird dream and that I'd wake up and not have been approved for the surgery. There were a million and one what ifs running through my brain. Just take a really big deep breath - it'll all be alright.
- Iris
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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314.5 294 208 258.4
My DH got what we thought was a cold about 3 weeks before my surgery, I was so afraid I would get his cold and my surgery would be postponed. Well it turns out he had a sinus infection and ear infection so he was not contagious everything went on as scheduled. I think your perfectly normal in having those concerns, we wait so long we are afraid something will stop the process.