Back and announcing.....
I am a Nana now. My daughter, Morgan, delievered a 9 lb 1 oz, 21 inch long baby girl named Alyssa Rylie on Sunday night. I am both excited, blessed, scared and you name it all in one. My daughter is only 19 and has a tough road ahead of her but with help and guidance will make it. She and the father (who is 18) hopefully will do all they need to do to make it a great life for their daughter regardless of whatever happens between the two of them. Incidently, I never got to experience a vaginal delievery with either of my kids since even though I was huge so were my 8 lb 12oz and 9lb 12 oz, and apparantly buried under my fat were small hips. I would have skipped the labor process and just scheduled c-sections had I Helping with the process was incredible and I got to cut the cord since the baby's dad sat on the couch throughout the delivery. I believe he was scared. But he sure did miss an amazing thing. Anyhow, Morgan didn't even have any tearing and no episiotomy.... apparantly she has birthing hips. Anyhow, mygranddaughter looks like her father (he is half Asian) and I will be bringing Morgan and Alyssa home this morning. I will try and post pics later.
That baby girl couldn't ask for a cooler Granny eh Nana! I am happy for you even though its gonna be a bit tough for the parents.
Ann and the 'Bean'
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High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Blogs and
High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!