No surprises!
Ok so I am getting very close to the knife now. I know post op NSAIDS, sodas, sweets, simple carbs, are all no nos. I don't mean immediately post op, I mean post op in general. What about antibiotics? Say down the road I was to get some sort of infection, uti, ear nose throat, etc, (not necessarily related to surgery) can the post op pouch handle antibiotics. I mean most of them are harsh on the tum tum. I guess I am looking for someone to tell me what all the no, nos are so there will be NO SURPISES. Thanks in advance.">">>
About 2 months ago I was given anitbiotics. I'm 6 months post-op. I had my doctor request that the pharmacist put the antibiotic in liquid form. I'm not supposed to swallow whole pills yet. There is no sugar-free version, so I had to take what they gave me. The pharmacist told me the sugar content was so small I shouldn't have a problem. He was right. It was no problem at all.
Meredith Music Teacher in New Bern, NC (lost 48 lbs PRE-op!!)