taking care of me
The past 4 weeks I have been going to Alanon.
Belive it or not I havent said much till today.
Today was a great day I broke down and shared some of my pain with my Alanon group.
I felt so much love today and know I am not alone.
OMG it felt good to get some of my pain out and with others that understand.
I always think you never what is going on behind someones smile. It is not easy to share our struggles. We sometimes unconsciously judge and criticize others which just makes us want to keep the pains to ourselves.
We love you, I love you, and you have inspired many of us in different ways and aspects of our lives. Sometimes that inspiration comes just for recognizing our weaknesses, admitting them, being accountable for them, making a positive change to improve that weakness, and being an encouragement to someone else who is walking the same path.
Hopefully your sharing has strengthened you for the next goal!
Love you and keep reaching out for support. You are not alone!
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout like a skinny girl!
I personally never wanted to admit that someone close to me had a problem. I was so very deeply in denial. I'm not there anymore. It feels great to know that there are others in the same situation - draw strength from their experiences and know that we all love you and yours.
I may or may not have shared this before. If you've read my profile you know that my husband died at the age of 33. It was from heart disease but I will always believe in my heart that his pot smoking for years upom years (along with some other recreational drugs) contributed to his early departure. Fast forward to my relationship of 5 years that followed his death and I can plainly see all of the signs for alcoholism and drug addicition. The signs were there from the beginning but I was trying to fill a void. I have never felt better, healthier or more alive than the day I stood up and told him to leave. Of course that was following my surgery and I feel somehow like my RNY gave me the confidence to do that.
I'm now in the midst of my "story book" romance. David is truly my "Prince Charming" and he'll be the first to tell you that he too has a past that includes alcoholism. He's been sober for nearly 4 years. in denial about his past - no way - not even a little.
I sorta view my relationships like an episode of House Hunters from HGTV. I had been head over heels for my "First Home" - so enthralled that I refused to have a qualified home inspection prior to purchase. My "Second Home" was a fixer upper - one in which I planned to live in but knew that I'd be able to flip it and make a handsome profit (NOT!!!). Now I've moved into more or less a "Retirement Residence" - I'm not as naive about things anymore. While Location, Location, Location is important there are other things to consider - quality workmanship (David is a man of Character), Amenities (We both want the same things from life), Price (Hey in this economy you can't overlook the financial aspects), Previous Owners (He's got kids with his ex-wife - they come with the package) and the list goes on and on.
Sorry that I got a little sidetracked Annie - you have that ability to make others want to share with folks. Thanks for inspiring us with your continuing story. Can't wait to see ya again.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Thank you sharing I belive we can help each other by reaching deep down and sharing experinces.
I know One of my favorite things to say is I have walked the walk and have earned the right to talk the talk.
I was thinking about titling my book I Have Walked In The Valley Of Death.
For now this is just a pipe dream.
Take Care and I hope that this experience furthers your healing even more.