As most of you know, I am a teacher. The proposed cuts to the Education Budget for next year or horrific. In our school system we are losing 64 positions that include In-School Suspension Personnel, Alternative School Personnel and Resource Officers (cops) across the board. The damage that is being done to the education of NC children is going to put us back about 20 years. I am prepared to lose part of my salary--they are telling us it may be as much as 10% of our overall pay but I am not prepared to watch my students suffer.
If you have not taken the time to contact your legisative representatives please do so as soon as possible. There are so many areas that we still cut money from--do away with all of the EOG testing, cut some of the Literacy Coaching positions , stop double dipping etc. Please let your representatives know that you are watching and expecting a miracle.
I hear ya... David works for the school system here in the county and there have been some touchy times with it as of late. The good news is that he's very versatile and trained in a number of areas that benefit him in the private sector but they also make him a very valuable asset to the school system's maintenance department. I have lots of family members in education and administration so we talk about this subject almost daily.
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention on here.
- Iris
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The problem I have is there are no "real" attempts at cost cutting, at least where it needs to be. Pet projects, "fluffy" positions, perks, etc. The crowd in Raleigh seems to be trying to balance the budget on the backs of hard-working state employees and-most disturbing-our children. Yes, call you legislators and tell them you are watching and will be voting.
I know and it's so horrible! I can't believe what they are cutting. Including the school for the blind.. Our son that died had therapist from the school for the blind and they were so wonderful. They are our community resource. I just can't believe the cuts..